Dealing with Unsightly Foot Problems
At this time of year, we at NY Foot Health know many patients look forward to getting out their sandals and summer shoes but may discover they are less than pleased when they put them on. That’s because several foot conditions have unattractive outward symptoms, and these were most likely less obvious during the winter months when socks and closed shoes and boots were the styles of the moment.
Below are some common podiatric disorders that you may find yourself motivated to correct at this time of the year.
Bunions—if the bump at the base of your big toe seems larger now than it was last summer, you’re probably right. Bunions are a progressive condition that will worsen over time if left untreated. Although the cause of the big toe joint drifting out of place is most often an inherited structural defect, wearing narrow pumps and fashion boots with high heels and tight toe boxes can accelerate the progression of a bunion. Surgery is the only way to correct a bunion. There are several different procedures depending on the type and severity of your bunion. Talk to your podiatrist about the best solution for your bunion. Need to find a podiatrist? We can help you with our online directory.
Fungal toenail—do you have one or more toenails that look very thick and discolored? Are the edges of the nail crumbling and peeling? If so, you may have a fungal toenail. A fungal toenail can be contracted by coming in direct contact with fungi in a public place where people walk barefoot (the gym, nail salon or pool, for example) or it can be caught by sharing shoes, towels, clippers or other objects with someone who has an infection. Athlete’s foot can also spread to your toenails and cause an infection there. Often fungal nails are not painful, but they can be unattractive. There are multiple treatments for fungal nails, including laser therapy and oral and topical medications.
Hammertoe—when you place your foot flat on the ground do you notice that one or more toes seem to look like they are contracting upwards, forming the shape of a hammer? So-called because of their telltale appearance, hammertoes are another structural defect of the toe bones, which needs to be corrected before the toe becomes rigid and unable to straighten into its normal position.
Don’t give up your summer shoes to hide a foot condition. Get it evaluated and treated as soon as possible for a foot that’s not only attractive but also fully functioning. For more information about these and other foot and ankle conditions, contact us.