Wearing a Mask at Your Podiatrist Appointment


At NY Foot Health, we know the new measures to protect patients at doctor’s appointments can be challenging to get used to. One of these is wearing a mask. All physicians and their staff will be wearing masks, and it is required for all patients to wear them as well. Why is this necessary? A mask or face covering that covers your nose and mouth can help slow the spread of the virus. Of course, patients with potential virus symptoms: cough, fever, runny nose, etc. should stay home. The virus can also be spread however by patients who are infected but don’t have any symptoms. Wearing a mask is a way of protecting other people you come in contact with.

Follow the tips below for properly wearing a mask:

  • Wash your hands before putting on a face covering.

  • Place a mask over your nose and mouth and secure it under your chin.

  • Make sure it fits snug against the side of your face.

  • Be sure you can breathe easily through the mask.

  • Avoid touching the face-covering once it is properly put on—if you do, stop and wash your hands.

  • Keep your face covering on the entire time you are in the podiatrist’s office.

An important note: children should not wear face coverings under the age of 2 or anyone who has trouble breathing or is incapacitated and cannot remove the mask on their own.

Properly Removing Your Mask

The way you take your face covering off is important too.

  • Handle the mask only by the ear loops or ties.

  • Stretch the ear loops or untie the strings behind your head.

  • Fold the outside corners of the mask together.

  • Be careful not to touch your eyes, nose, or mouth when removing the mask.

  • Deposit the mask into the washing machine.

  • Wash your hands immediately.

Wearing a face covering is just one way doctors and patients can help reduce the spread of COVID 19. In addition, maintaining safe social distancing (at least 6 feet if possible) and frequent hand washing are also recommended. Let’s work together to help everyone stay safe!

If you need to find a podiatrist in your area, use our online directory. Have additional questions about foot health? Please contact us.