Take Care of Your Feet This Winter
Baby it’s cold outside—and superheated inside! At NY Foot Health, we know winter brings special challenges for your feet. Below are some tips for protecting the health of your feet during the colder months.
Deal with Dry Skin
Cold temperatures outside mean more heat inside and that can leave skin dry and flaky. Worst case scenario, you can develop painful cracks in your heels which is particularly dangerous for diabetic patients. Keep ahead of dry skin by applying a rich, emollient moisturizer to the feet every night before bed. Cover feet with a pair of soft socks to help the cream or lotion absorb into the skin more fully.
Prevent Fungal Infections
There are a number of factors that increase your risk for athlete’s foot, toenail fungus and other fungal infections in the winter months. Feet are in closed in shoes that can get hot and sweaty and damp from inclement weather. A dark, moist area is the best environment for these types of infections to thrive. Consider a dusting of antifungal or talcum powder each morning before putting on your socks. Keep a spare pair of socks handy to change into if you notice your feet are perspiring. Many patients also move their workout routine inside to a gym during the cold months. If you’re one of them, it’s important to keep feet covered in the locker room and showers because direct contact transmits fungal infections.
Wear Proper Footwear for Winter Fun
Winter sports, like skiing, snow boarding and ice skating can be harmful to your feet if you are not wearing the appropriate footwear. Don’t try to ski or snowboard in regular boots. Boots made specifically for these sports keep your heel, insole, and the ball of your foot rigid (you should be able to move your toes, however). When renting equipment, be sure you get the correct size. When buying winter sports equipment for your children don’t succumb to the temptation to buy a bigger boot size so they’ll last longer. This can lead to blisters, foot pain and injuries.
One piece of foot care advice that applies year-round is don’t ignore podiatric pain and discomfort. Contact your podiatrist to get any unusual symptoms evaluated promptly. If you need to find a podiatrist close to home, use our online directory. For more foot care information, contact us and subscribe to our free e-newsletter.