Preventing Toenail Fungus

At NY Foot Health, summer means more opportunities to contract toenail fungus. Toenail fungus is an infection that occurs underneath the surface of the nail. It is caused by microscopic fungi, and transmission occurs through direct contact.

Here are some ways to avoid this unpleasant and often difficult-to-alleviate condition:

·         Cover your feet—this is especially important in warm, damp places such as community pools, beach-changing areas and restrooms, gyms, and nail salons. Fungi thrive in these settings. Always wear non-slip shower shoes instead of going barefoot.

·         Keep it clean—simply washing your feet daily with soap and water can go a long way to preventing toenail fungus.

·         Make good footwear choices—avoid socks, hose, and shoes that are too tight and squeeze the toes together. Look for shoes that breathe and change your socks if your feet feel damp. Rotate your footwear throughout the week.

·         Know your nail salon—if you enjoy professional pedicures, make sure the salon you use adheres to state regulations for hygiene. Nail salons should have a license or certificate from the state displayed prominently. All whirlpool baths and pedicure tools should be sterilized after each client. As an extra precaution, consider bringing your own tools.

·         Don’t borrow footwear--fungi can linger in sandals or shoes.

Recognizing a Fungal Toenail

Toenail fungus will change the appearance of your nail. Some possible signs include:

·         Debris under the nail plate

·         Change in nail color—either darkening or white streaks on the nail

·         Foul odor

·         Thickening of the toenail

If you notice any of these symptoms or think your nail doesn't look "normal," it's best to make an appointment with your podiatrist to get it checked out. The podiatrist will determine if an infection is present and the appropriate treatment. Typically, this will be in the form of an oral or topical antifungal medication. If you don't currently see a podiatrist, use our online directory to find a qualified foot doctor in your area.

Don’t put off getting a potentially fungal nail evaluated. Left untreated, a fungal infection from the toenail can spread to the skin of your feet and other parts of your body. To learn more about conditions that affect your feet, contact us and subscribe to our free e-newsletter.