Smart Choices for Summer Footwear

The summer season means it’s time for a whole different footwear wardrobe. At NY Foot Health, we want to help our patients choose the best summer shoes to keep their feet safe and prevent common podiatric problems. Below are some tips to remember.

Choose the right shoes for the job

The first step is to match your shoes to the activities you’ll be doing. Many ankles have happened because someone chose to play in the family softball game at a barbecue in flip-flops. Use sturdy sneakers or other athletic shoes for sports and physical activities. Look for breathable materials to help reduce sweat and dampness. Finally, don't sacrifice your feet for fashion. Strappy sandals are fine for dining out and other festive occasions, but avoid unstable spiky heels and keep the heel height under 2 inches.

Avoid going shoeless

Walking barefoot through the grass may be the quintessential summer picture, but it opens your feet to puncture wounds and cuts from sharp objects. Keeping feet covered at community pools, beaches, lakeside changing areas and restrooms, and at gyms and nail salons will protect your feet from fungal infections and warts.

Size matters

wearing shoes that fit properly is key all year round. In the summer, however, when the temperatures rise, you'll want to ensure your shoes are not too big, which can increase friction from sweaty feet and lead to painful blisters. Shoes that are too tight in the toe box can increase the risk of ingrown toenails. When buying new shoes, get your feet measured professionally to ensure you get the correct size.

Quality is key

Today's summer shoes and sandals come in a variety of styles designed with the health of your feet in mind. If you have a chronic foot problem such as bunions or diabetes, ask your podiatrist for shoe-style recommendations. Need to find a podiatrist? Our online directory can help. In general, look for good arch support. Shoes that are completely flat can cause heel pain/plantar fasciitis. A back strap on sandals can help keep your foot in place. Padded insoles will increase comfort and help absorb shock. If you want to be sure the footwear you’re purchasing will be good for your feet, look for the American Podiatric Medical Association (APMA) Seal of Acceptance, which signifies that footwear allows for normal foot function and promotes quality foot health.

To learn more ways to take the best care of your feet, contact us and subscribe to our free e-newsletter.