3 Reasons for Itchy Feet

At NY Foot Health, we know one of the most annoying podiatric symptoms is itchy feet. That annoying sensation just out of reach inside your shoe can drive you crazy! Most patients want to get relief as soon as possible. Below are three possible reasons for itchy feet and what to do about them.

  1. Dry Skin—During the winter months, this is often the cause of itchy feet. Heat in the car, our homes offices, and stores tend to dry out the skin leaving it itchy and flaky. The solution is simple. Moisturize your feet every night before bed (avoiding the area between your toes). Put on a pair of socks after you apply the moisturizer to help it better absorb. It’s important to stay ahead of this problem, however, because dry skin can become a more serious problem if cracks develop, which can be an entry point for harmful bacteria. Diabetic patients are more likely to suffer from dry skin due to damage to nerves that regulate the oil secretions in the skin and should contact the podiatrist promptly if skin seems very dry.

  2. Athlete’s Foot—This skin condition is caused by a fungus that is contracted by direct contact. Walking barefoot at the gym, at a nail salon or community pool are all common ways of picking up athlete’s foot. Fungal infections thrive inside warm, dark, moist places—your warm winter socks and closed shoes are the perfect site! In more severe cases blisters may form that ooze. Athlete’s foot can be spread to other parts of the body and to other people.

  3. Psoriasis—Caused by an autoimmune disease, psoriasis is characterized by thick, red lesions of dry skin with silvery patches on top. It happens because there is an accelerated production of new skin cells that occurs faster than the old cells can be sloughed off, leaving the itchy buildup. A number of factors can increase the risk for psoriasis including a weakened immune system, cancer treatments, and stress.

All three of these conditions share similar symptoms, and that means the best way to find out the cause of your itchy skin is to visit your podiatrist for a diagnosis. Don’t currently have a foot doctor? You can find one near you in our online directory .

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