Help for Failing Fitness Resolutions

At about this time every year it starts to happen—people who were gung-ho on January 1st to start a new exercise program begins to lose momentum and most of them quit before the month is over. At NY Foot Health, we want to encourage all our patients to make fitness a priority. Regular exercise has many benefits to your podiatric and overall health. Below are some common reasons fitness resolutions fail and what to do about them.

“My feet hurt.”

Pain is a surefire deterrent to physical activity. If you are noticing new pain in your feet and ankles or a previous condition seems to be flaring up as a result of your workout, make an appointment with your podiatrist. If you don’t currently have a podiatrist you can find one close to your home using our online directory.  The foot doctor will examine your feet and determine the source of your pain. He or she will also be able to advise you about activities and footwear that will be best for your unique podiatric concerns.

“It’s too hard.”

If you’re still feeling this way a few weeks into your new fitness routine, it may be that you chose a program that’s way above your current level of physical fitness. Most people want to see results fast, so they challenge themselves with a plan that’s just too difficult. Not only does this usually lead to quitting, but it also is more likely to result in injuries such as ankle sprains, shin splints, and Achilles tendonitis. Slow and steady is the best approach. Try dialing back the intensity of your workout or choose a plan that starts at or even slightly below your current stamina level and you’ll soon see upward progress.

“It’s boring.”

If this is the reason you’re thinking of giving up, you most likely did not choose a fitness activity you enjoy! Instead of bailing altogether, try mixing it up a bit. Taking a class? Reduce the number of times you do it each week and add a different activity. From dancing to hiking to spinning to rollerblading the possibilities for increasing movement are infinite.

“I don’t have time.”

Ask yourself what you feel you’re giving up to exercise. Is it getting together with friends? Why not invite someone to join you to exercise? Not only will it be more fun, but an exercise partner can also help you stay motivated and committed.

To learn more about fitness and your feet contact us and subscribe to our free e-newsletter.