Resolve to Make Better Footwear Choices in 2023

At NY Foot Health, we know as sure as the ball drops in Times Square, patients will be making New Year’s resolutions for improving their lives. One aspect of podiatric health we’d like to see is people making positive changes in their footwear. Choosing the right shoes for your feet is the single, biggest preventive step you can take to protect your feet and ankles from pain and injury. Why not consider one or more of these footwear resolutions in the New Year:

Get rid of worn-out shoes and those that hurt your feet—scan your shoe rack and toss any footwear that show obvious signs of damage or wear, or that leaves your feet hurting every time you wear them. No, it doesn’t matter how cute or pretty they are!

Limit flip-flops to the beach, pool, and nail salon—these easy-to-wear styles became even more popular during stay-at-home Covid time and now’s the time to break the habit. Traditional flip-flops have zero arch support and no structure. They often cause trip and fall injuries as well.

Buy shoes that fit properly—many people continue to buy the same size they’ve always worn, but your feet can get larger as you age. Try on shoes before you buy them, and take your time walking around the store to make sure they fit comfortably.

Swear off high heels—make this the year that you say “no” to heels over 2 inches high, especially if the heels are thin spikes that leave feet and ankles unstable. These shoe styles, with narrow pointy toes, force your feet forward and can result in bunions or hammertoes.

Rotate your shoe selection—don’t wear the same pair of shoes multiple days in a row. This increases your risk of fungal infections like athletes foot and fungal toenails.

Get the right shoes for the sport or fitness activity you do—wearing a shoe specifically designed for your activity, whether it’s running, walking, tennis, or hiking—will help protect your feet from injuries associated with that activity. Your feet will also feel more comfortable, and you may notice a bump up in performance as well.

Your footwear choices are important to your podiatric health. If you have questions regarding the best shoes for your feet, talk to your podiatrist. If you don’t currently have a podiatrist, use our online directory to find one near you. For additional information on keeping your feet healthy in 2023 contact us and subscribe to our free e-newsletter.